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3.Yasmin Nogueira.Boa Cabra.2018.Fotografia. Pigmento mineral sobre papel de algodão. 50 X

Grupos de Trabajo


Los GT son espacios de encuentro en los que se desarrollan actividades de formación, acompañamiento y debate sobre diferentes aspectos de la práctica artística contemporánea.

Los ejes principales de trabajo son: producción de obra, mercado de arte, networking y desarrollo de carrera artística.


Cada encuentro plantea una temática diferente y, a lo largo del año, se invita a diferentes agentes del arte (coleccionistas, galeristas, curadores, etc.) para conocer de primera mano su mirada sobre el mercado y mundo del arte.


Clinic: The disputed image

Analysis and production clinic


Dates: From April 1 to June 10

Coordinates: Luis María Rojas, director of Contemporary Collecting

Management: Coleccionismo Contemporáneo

The Clinic aims to become an instance of exchange and group sharing where participants can detect and make aware of their operations and visual strategies, incorporate new tools in the semiotic construction of images, objects or actions and reflect on the general framework of the contemporary visual culture.

In practice, the Clinic is oriented towards the analysis and monitoring of the individual production of the participants in a context of dialogue and exchange. Offer conceptual and practical tools to develop and enhance critical capacity in the production of work and stimulate an attitude of constant questioning about individual processes.

During the course, the discourse and image of the participating artists will be analyzed to enhance the signs and operations used and thus strengthen their poetics and discourse. The objective sought is for each participant to acquire self-reflection tools on the construction of their own image to turn it into a vehicle for the production of critical thinking.


Saturdays from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. (Argentina, Uruguay, Chile. Check local hours in other countries) from April 1 to June 10.

digital certification

Issued by the Coleccionismo Contemporáneo platform


Registration: USD 50

2 Monthly fee: USD 50

Registrations until March 13 have a 50% discount


Download here The complete information

Portfolio review
Review and critical analysis of production and career

When: At any time, just schedule

Modality: Online by Meet platform

Duration: 1:30 hours

Coordinator: Luis María Rojas, director of CC

Cost: USD 50

Payment methods:PayPal-Western Union

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